Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Once Upon A Time...Is Now

As I give an account of my reminiscing, I begin by saying that I'm blessed to be on this earth for 59 years.  As I look out my window, sitting on my enclosed porch, I reflect how far and as long as I can remember, I love creating and teaching.  When I was in elementary school, I created a permission slip for the neighboring parents to sign because I wanted to teach/tutor reading.  As far back as a teen, I wanted people to feel good about themselves.  I think that's why I've always rooted for the underdog.
Teaching was something I've enjoyed since childhood and having a fondness for words, also enjoyed putting a group of them together to form expressions on paper.  Phonetics, I remember as a child, was a favorite complement to words.  Often I'd spell a word as to how it sounded versus how it was actually spelled, (i.e. phone/fone).
On top of the reading, writing and teaching, as a child, I enjoyed writing plays and showcasing them to my friends in the neighborhood.  The stage was our home basement and the curtains were the sheets from our beds.  Oh, that was so much fun.  Writing and starring in those plays.
Growing older, in my early teens, I remember not replacing those interests simply adding on to them; adding Industrial Psychologist and Attorney to the mix.  The idea of a Courtroom, Court building setting was interesting to me.  At times, the add ons would cause me some confusion, because it seemed I was unsure of what exactly I wanted to do or be.
I remember my grandmother staying to me (I'm in my early teens) to grow up and be somebody and I would respond by saying, "I am somebody".  As I transitioned from early teen to preteen, I decided that I wanted to sing.  I'd sing with my stepbrothers and friends; never taking it any further than that.  During this time, I believe, is when my daring nature began to emerge.  I started showing myself that I could do what I set out to do; with that I mean, one time I bowled a 200 game and I had to reach that 200 mark again to show myself that it wasn't just a fluke...just luck, that it was actually skill.
A Time:
Coming into my mid 20's, I wanted to prove to myself that I could overcome some of my fears, so I took acting lessons to perform on stage.  Performing gave me such a elevated sense, knowing I did something (faced a fear) that I could put under my belt, no one could take from me.  However, once I was nominated and voted best actor in a supporting role with the Rosedale Community Players, I knew and learned the stage is a large part of my expression.  My how our ideals may change; however, ultimately they will begin to mold together like clay.
Transitioning into my 30's came with a desire to embrace a Spiritual philosophy I could hold on to and believe with all of my heart.  Something I could resonate with on a much deeper level than I had yet experienced.  I searched with my heart, seeking knowledge from various religious and Spiritual ideology. The unlimited, everlasting, connection with Our Mother/Father God did I thirst for many years and finally, my thirst was quenched.  Prayers are answered.
Is Now:
I've been thinking lately that I've not taken those singing lessons and now is the time.  I've not had an interest to travel and now I have and the time is now.  I look back and notice I am that teacher, I have that courtroom experience, I am a hearings representative, I am a coach, I am a writer, I am an energy worker, I am a creator and I love serving in various forms of expression including the stage. 
And now I excitedly anticipate the continuum of the Idea, Goodness & Fullness, Grace & Favor the Light of the Creator within me has for me...living, enjoying the journey reaching one destination after another in LIFE...LIGHT...LOVE.
Take a stroll back into your life.  Do you see the clay molding into shape?  The alchemy of your LIFE blending and merging one experience with another?  Do you see the connection from yesterday to today?
The Time is NOW for me...the Time is NOW for you.  TAPN2U, in...lifelightlove*anita

Sunday, September 20, 2015

& the Journey Continues...

Sitting here remembering that cold day in March of 1998, the snow was on the ground, my daughters seniors at  Western Michigan University, I left the Michigan Department of Corrections, after 19 years of service. I had no idea what I was going to do with my life or where I was going (one thing I knew was that I was going to help my sister care for our grandfather, who had suffered a major stroke). All I know is that I felt a quantum shift that had been traveling within me and I knew within the depth of my Spirit that it was time to move on. I remember my friend in Human Resources saying "why not take a waive rights leave of absence", so in case I needed to, I could come back with the State.  Without hesitation, I said to her, "if I did, that would be a lack of faith". 

As you take a moment to reflect on your journey, recognize the Treasure within you; realize you are where are are suppose to be.  What you've eliminated, endured, embraced is the alchemy of your life, the recipe that inspired and motivated you to this space...this place that you've earned, and your Beautiful journey continues..

The Journey Continues...
As you, I've learned so much about the Self of me, and smile as I look at my reflection in the mirror. I've earned my time in this space...this place. Since then, the road has been one I would not change in a million years, for a million dollars & the journey continues...

in lifelightlove*anita

Monday, September 14, 2015

Have the Intent...Leave Miracles to God

It's Amazing
Amazing the Workings & Blessings of the Creator!!! 
My oh my, how things manifest when we move outta the way. Being open to Creative & Divine Order, I appeared at a local Church to conduct a Michigan UIA seminar. I was greeted very warmly. Me and my greeter immediately connected and began sharing dialogue. She shared some things with me - I listened and offered what I was lead/felt to say (Hey, fellow Coach/Colleagues...I felt those positive vibes, thanx my Sistahs.

An Open Mind Receives Unexpected Gifts
During our conversation, I mentioned that I was a Certified Life Coach...she's been looking for a Life Coach. As we were talking, a woman came into the church to get some food (she shared her story). Soon after, my greeter's husband, came downstairs, where we were and joined in the fellowship connection.  The wife asked me if I would be scheduling another seminar and before I could answer, her husband responded "yes".
No one came to the UIA seminar, yet I was given an opportunity to provide information on a particular issue, given the honor of trust, blessed to have an opportunity to look another sister in the eye, lovingly and with all my heart say "God Bless You" knowing her transition is temporary, albeit quite heavy. I was able to give answers the Mr. & Mrs. can pass on to someone they know is involved in the UIA process, and I await a call from yet another person, who's just been job separated. I also discovered a place where I may bring food items to help others, and I may have found a venue to hold UIA seminars. (you know that saying...people need to see/read some form of advertising at least three times before it kicks in). 
smile emotico ).
Thank you Mr. & Mrs.  Generosity.
Have the Intent...
I am mindful...have the vision to serve - leave the rest and Miracles to God. TYF!!!

As you take a moment to reflect on your journey, recognize the Treasure within you; realize you are where are are suppose to be.  What you've eliminated, endured, embraced is the alchemy of your life, the recipe that inspired and motivated you to this space...this place, and your Beautiful journey continues..

Thursday, September 10, 2015

I know...You don't need a Tinker-Tape Parade

Be Open to Receive

Okay, recently I went to an event and once I arrived, I felt a tad unwelcomed and unappreciated. I took it personally, until I realized it was the moment for a lesson learned and an opportunity to recognize my neglect.

Show Some Love
I do feel the paradigm shift within our society and communities embracing the mind of supporting and encouraging each other. It's always been my pleasure to show love and support. I see those words emanating from facebook postings, spoken over the phone, while engaged in conversation and written word in letter style.
How Come...If I'm All About That?
Now, If I'm truly all about showing some love and support, then as I announce my gratitude to people I'm grateful for, it is my responsibility to be mindful to announce and give that gratitude to ALL concerned who are in the midst of hearing or reading that announcement. I realized yestereve, I've been derelict in this area.
No Need for Tinker-Tape Parade
I'm sure you don't need a tinker-tape parade...a simple "Thank You" will do.
I ask you to please be mindful...to err is human; to understand Divine, and with that said:
...and Here's To YOU
Here's to my long-time friend & supporter. I unintentionally overlooked giving you your well-deserved props, in the midst of giving props to others (in which ever way my delivery).
I apologize. I love and appreciate You!!! 
Open To Receive & Learn
Often, an experience is a reflection of ourselves. Oh, I'm loving the learn of it, in...lifelightlove*anita

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

See The Connection

Feel grateful and Love who You Are...
Nice Chat with My Daughter
After speaking with my daughter this morning, I decided to take a 4-mile, 2-fold walk. Okay, I threw on some clothes (didn't shower or anything), some two-biga green stretch pants, black anklets, gymshoes that've treaded many a mile, a black pull over top and a brown, white and tan scarf, tied in the back like a bow. I'm feelin' so Grateful and Lovin' who I Am. First stop - purchase some Shea butter (wanna make some soap) and light popcorn.

Feelin' Grateful & Lovin' Me
I'm feelin' so Grateful and Lovin' who I Am, doing my walkin' thing. On the way back, I decided to take 8 mile to my store (Salvation Army). I'm walkin down 8 mile. A horn blows...as I approach this self-serve car wash, a young man (the car with the horn) is vacuuming his (what looked like a work car). He sez "let me give you my number". I look and smile and keep walking; he calls after me, "let me give you my number". I then said, "I'm with somebody", smiled and continued walking. Mind you...dressed like I am with not a stitch of makeup on. Feelin' Grateful and Lovin' who I Am.
The Destination
I arrive at Salvation Army. While in the store, it's announced that along with the tan tag being 50% off, seniors 55 and over get an additional 30% off. After trying on an assortment of items, I decide on my selection, get in line. It's my turn now, and I see earrings in the back of the cashier. I ask to see them and select 3 nice dangling pairs. She rings up my 3 tops and 1 cowie/sea shell necklace, and I ask to have the earrings included. She gives me my total. I then say, "okay, do I get the 30% senior discount?" 

Lookin' Good Inside & Out
She sez, "I need to see your i.d." I then put my hand on my face, because I left my driver's license at home - didn't need it walking. I look at her and sez, "Oh, I don't have it. I walked here." I tilted my head and sez, "I know I look 55". She looked at me, lifted up her eyebrows, shook her head and with a serious look on her face, she said, "no you don't". I said, "really???". She then sez, "no mam, you really don't". I said, "Bless Your Heart, I'd gladly forego the 30%, you made my day" and smiled. She gives me my total and sez "I gave you the discount on the earrings...next time, you've got to have your i.d". I smiled, thanked her and left the store.
3 blouses, 3 pairs of earrings, 1 necklace - $10.49.

Own the Vibration
Feelin' wealthy today...BRING THOSE GOOD VIBRATIONS OWN!!! TYF!!!, in...lifelightlove*anita

Monday, September 7, 2015

Go With The Flow

Goin' Inside MySelf

I woke up with intentions for the day – I want to play with my TAPN2U Treasure Map project.  It’s a project of taking a piece of construction paper, crayons and creating a drawing.  I call it a project, because it projects what’s within us to the outside onto paper :-) 
Other Stuff to Do
 I had other intentions for the day.  Some of the intentions involved driving to various destinations and I’d decided to take my daughter’s family dog, my grandog (Prince) with me (I was keeping him as they went to Florida on vacation).  Prince likes taking a ride in the car.
TAPN2U Treasure Map
Okay, getting back to my TAPN2U Treasure Map.  I had an intention of what I wanted the finale of my Treasure Map to be.  The finale of a Treasure Map is called a Prayer Portrait.  It’s around 9am EST.  Gathering my paper pad, container filled with crayons and markers and a pencil, I head onto my enclosed front porch.  Hahahahahaha, you know what – I’ve decided to call this my Florida Room.  Hahahahaha.  I do have an idea, a content; however, my main purpose is to project.  

Distractions are Sometimes Good
Okay, a little bit of time passes and I’m involved with my drawing.  My cell phone rings.  I look at it and say…”okay, what’s this about?” meaning the phone interrupts my engagement.  Of course, the Universe unfolds as it should and everything is in Creative & Divine Order.  I answer it and it’s a friend of mine.  We exchange love and support and a sister connection.  I notice the time nearing 11:00, and I have a conference call scheduled with a friend/colleague of mine to help me with setting up a blog :-).    We say our see ya’s, I leave my drawing on the table in the Florida Room, and head inside to my office. 
Conference all complete, it’s a little after 12p, me and Prince leave to run my errands. 
Done with the Do
Returning home, I go back to my drawing; crayons on the left and a coupla markers on the right. I pick up a color and continue with my portrait.  As I’m drawing, I realize the idea is taking on another dimension  – I let go and just let it flow.  Ooouuu, what a nice surprise.
Uh Oh...An Unexpectation
The day is smooth sailing and before I know it, it’s raining and raining hard.  Suddenly the rotation of fans cease.  It’s 2pm, the power went out in my neighborhood.
Always on Time...What We Need
As the sun set and the moon rose, I was surrounded by the darkness...the quiet, with flickers of candlelight. Oh, how I needed that. What we intrinsically need and want (whether we realize it or not) is given to us in the perfect moment of time. So many times, throughout the night before slumber embraced me, I found myself, in the darkness, in the quiet, with flickers of candlelight, smiling.
Go With the Flow
Today, I simply went with the flow, in…lifelightlove*anita