Goin' Inside MySelf
I woke up with intentions for the day – I want to play with my TAPN2U Treasure Map project. It’s a project of taking a piece of construction paper, crayons and creating a drawing. I call it a project, because it projects what’s within us to the outside onto paper :-)
Other Stuff to Do
I had other intentions for the day. Some of the intentions involved driving to various destinations and I’d decided to take my daughter’s family dog, my grandog (Prince) with me (I was keeping him as they went to Florida on vacation). Prince likes taking a ride in the car.
TAPN2U Treasure Map
Distractions are Sometimes Good
Okay, getting back to my TAPN2U Treasure Map. I had an intention of what I wanted the finale of my Treasure Map to be. The finale of a Treasure Map is called a Prayer Portrait. It’s around 9am EST. Gathering my paper pad, container filled with crayons and markers and a pencil, I head onto my enclosed front porch. Hahahahahaha, you know what – I’ve decided to call this my Florida Room. Hahahahaha. I do have an idea, a content; however, my main purpose is to project.
Okay, a little bit of time passes and I’m involved with my drawing. My cell phone rings. I look at it and say…”okay, what’s this about?” meaning the phone interrupts my engagement. Of course, the Universe unfolds as it should and everything is in Creative & Divine Order. I answer it and it’s a friend of mine. We exchange love and support and a sister connection. I notice the time nearing 11:00, and I have a conference call scheduled with a friend/colleague of mine to help me with setting up a blog :-). We say our see ya’s, I leave my drawing on the table in the Florida Room, and head inside to my office.
Conference all complete, it’s a little after 12p, me and Prince leave to run my errands.
Done with the Do
Returning home, I go back to my drawing; crayons on the left and a coupla markers on the right. I pick up a color and continue with my portrait. As I’m drawing, I realize the idea is taking on another dimension – I let go and just let it flow. Ooouuu, what a nice surprise.
Uh Oh...An Unexpectation
The day is smooth sailing and before I know it, it’s raining and raining hard. Suddenly the rotation of fans cease. It’s 2pm, the power went out in my neighborhood.
Always on Time...What We Need
As the sun set and the moon rose, I was surrounded by the darkness...the quiet, with flickers of candlelight. Oh, how I needed that. What we intrinsically need and want (whether we realize it or not) is given to us in the perfect moment of time. So many times, throughout the night before slumber embraced me, I found myself, in the darkness, in the quiet, with flickers of candlelight, smiling.
Go With the Flow
Today, I simply went with the flow, in…lifelightlove*anita
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