It's Amazing
Amazing the Workings & Blessings of the Creator!!!
My oh my, how things manifest when we move outta the way. Being open to Creative & Divine Order, I appeared at a local Church to conduct a Michigan UIA seminar. I was greeted very warmly. Me and my greeter immediately connected and began sharing dialogue. She shared some things with me - I listened and offered what I was lead/felt to say (Hey, fellow Coach/Colleagues...I felt those positive vibes, thanx my Sistahs.
During our conversation, I mentioned that I was a Certified Life Coach...she's been looking for a Life Coach. As we were talking, a woman came into the church to get some food (she shared her story). Soon after, my greeter's husband, came downstairs, where we were and joined in the fellowship connection. The wife asked me if I would be scheduling another seminar and before I could answer, her husband responded "yes".
No one came to the UIA seminar, yet I was given an opportunity to provide information on a particular issue, given the honor of trust, blessed to have an opportunity to look another sister in the eye, lovingly and with all my heart say "God Bless You" knowing her transition is temporary, albeit quite heavy. I was able to give answers the Mr. & Mrs. can pass on to someone they know is involved in the UIA process, and I await a call from yet another person, who's just been job separated. I also discovered a place where I may bring food items to help others, and I may have found a venue to hold UIA seminars. (you know that saying...people need to see/read some form of advertising at least three times before it kicks in).
smile emotico ).
smile emotico ).
Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Generosity.
Have the Intent...
I am mindful...have the vision to serve - leave the rest and Miracles to God. TYF!!!
As you take a moment to reflect on your journey, recognize the Treasure within you; realize you are where are are suppose to be. What you've eliminated, endured, embraced is the alchemy of your life, the recipe that inspired and motivated you to this space...this place, and your Beautiful journey continues..
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